Green Schools

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Poster of Project - NO2 Levels – Dublin City Centre 2019-2021

An TAISCE - Air Quality Campaign


Show the following video and powerpoint for Green Day

Video - Climate Change 101 with Bill Nye | National Geographic

Powerpoint - Carbon Number

The Green Schools Programme is Ireland’s leading environmental awards educational programme. There are five Green Schools Flags.

Green Flags

  1. Waste

  2. Energy

  3. Water

  4. Working towards Travel 2016-2017

  5. Working towards Diversity 2017-2018

Larkin Community College has achieved the first 3 Green flags and we are currently working towards achieving the Travel Flag in 2017/18.
We will be promoting the use of more sustainable forms of travel to get to school such as public bus, cycling and walking.

Green Schools Web Links

An Taisce Green Schools

Environmental Protection Agency